
Monday 25 November 2013

Radio-iodine treatment, Side effects, Unwanted feelings

11th November- Staying at The Christie 

Went in at 10am wearing my comfy, scruffy clothes and was being sent all over the place until I knew for sure that I was in the right place and just asked them to get a nurse who then showed me to my room. I unpacked my things and waited for someone to come and see me to tell me what was going to happen. A nurse came and took some blood to test my calcium and hormone levels, weighed me where I found out I had put a stone on as I was not on my hormone tablets but some of that was apparently water retention... They also took my height and told me to sit and wait for a doctor to come and see me. Someone came to see me 7 hours later! Thank God I had my family with me or I would have been very bored on my own. 
When they finally got around to getting my treatment started they told my family to leave. They put up posters on the doors to warn people not to come in and closed this barrier wall thing. Two men came in with a bottle being very careful placing it on my bedside table. They had two plastic cups. One was for the radio iodine tablet and the other was filled with warm water. One man placed the tablet that looked a bit like a flu capsule in the plastic cup and told me to drink it with all of the warm water as it will enter my body a lot quicker as the warm water will break it up so I did as I was told. The men then opened the Led wall to measure how radioactive I was and write it on the chart outside. For a few hours after my chest, throat and stomach felt rather warm and throat was a little bit numb. I got told to wear scrubs that were massive on me as when you sweat the radio iodine exits the body and soaks into the clothes. My first night and every night after that I did not sleep very well as I started having sweats and feeling cold as well as having odd dreams. I was not allowed to see anyone for the first 24 hours, even the nurses had to be very quick when testing my blood pressure and temperature. 
Wearing massive scrubs that I had to tie at the front to keep up.

First night my face and throat started to swell after a few hours.

Bath water was yellow with red bits in it.

Ended up a bit better the second time round.

12th- 15th November 

The week that I had to stay in The Christie was very boring and the side effects of the treatment did not help. All I did was watch the same programmes over and over again. I did not like the food they served and thought I had better food and Menu's at Preston hospital so barely ate anything in there. The only thing I enjoyed was my visits from people and the baths but the water would turn yellow like urine so I had to let the water run on low to get it to run clear. Some side effects of the treatment that I ended up having were:
  • Headaches/ high temperature
  • Aches and pains
  • Dry mouth
  • Nausea 
  • Loss of appetite
  • Sweats/ feeling very cold
  • Swollen neck and face
  • My scar seemed to pop out on my neck and turned very red and was sore
  • I had a stone like feeling in my throat that hurt when I swallowed
  • Change in taste 
  • Could not sleep/ bad dreams

Tired after not sleeping and face swelling up.

Neck, face and scar becoming very sore and swollen.

Swollen face and neck.

On my last day before leaving The Christie I was sent for a full body scan which was a new experience and would not be good if you are claustrophobic as it is very space consuming. It comes very close to your face and body but does not last too long. This scan measures how much radiation is left in your body so that you can be given guidelines on when you can be around people, children, in public places. The more water you drink when you are having your treatment, the better the radiation will be flushed out and the sooner you will be around people. It also show where else in the body the iodine travels to judge on if the cancer could be anywhere else. They have said you get your results on the scan of if the cancer is anywhere else within two weeks. 
The little led wall I was not allowed to cross

View from my bed

Taunting me showing me the outdoors when I was not allowed to leave the room.

The main door over the led wall. visiting area. Planning my great escape.

Fifth and last day, swelling went down a bit
Got given my new tablets. Now on 125 micrograms of  Levothroxine whilst still taking my Calcium.

FREEDOM! Or so I thought.

When I left The Christie I was waiting until Tuesday which was the 19th November to go out and socialise with people but I may have pushed myself too far as the weather was super cold and ended up effecting me more than I thought it was going to. I went to Manchester to watch my sister and her friends do some bouldering. It was fun, I met some really nice people but the place was very cold. My sister even pointed out that my lips had turned blue. I suppose that showed just how down my immune system was and how much I could feel the temperature change now. When we left climbing to go to the Christmas markets it was like hitting a wall! The cold literally took my breathe away and I could not feel my body. I was like ice. When I got back home It took me a very long time to get warm. My body stayed cold until the next day despite having thick pyjamas on with a gown and slipper sock. The cold actually damaged my skin on my face and neck. Decided I am not staying outside in this weather for that long again.
My face and neck on the night I got home.

In the morning my skin was still marked from being out in the cold for too long.
My skin was also bad the day after! Causing my skin to completely dry out bringing back my eczema that I have not had in years.

18th-24th November

Within this time I have noticed my throat has gradually become worse instead of better. It still feels swollen, has become more painful than it has felt before. There are permanent clicks when I swallow now and it feels very tight making it uncomfortable to move. My mouth is always dry, I can not taste, my jaw clicks, I also think that I might be getting an infection in a part of my neck where a stitch was left poking out from the inside of my neck but I was told to leave it. On top of this I constantly feel drained and tired but unable to sleep. I can only guess that this must be normal until I ask about it at my next hospital appointment on the 28th November. 
On the right is where the stitch is but the skin had healed over it. Looks infected to me.

 Unwanted feelings. Could they be a side effect?

Over the past week or so I have not been feeling myself. I am not sure on If it could be the change in my tablets, the fact that I stopped my hormone tablets for weeks or that the new ones might not have kicked in yet or the dosage might not be right. It could be that everything is starting to get to me at once, I don't know. What I do know is that I have been feeling angry lately and losing my temper at a lot of silly things when I am usually a very calm and patient person. I tend to be snapping over things that would never have bothered me before. I have been feeling very lonely even though I know I have people around me. Its as if I have no one to talk to properly that I can relate to but at the same time I don't want to talk to anyone about how I am feeling or what I am thinking. Sometimes I feel as though I am going crazy and just want to scream or get away from everything whilst other times I feel fine being left to my own devices. Sometimes I just feel numb and don't know how to react towards how someone else might be feeling about things but will give them a cuddle anyway. There are days when I don't even wan't to get out of bed as I simply don't even have the energy to move. I don't have an appetite so I am barely eating anything but still piling on the weight. I can only presume that these feelings are normal but I don't feel myself at the moment.

I shall leave you with some links that could help you with more information:
Next blog post will include how my hospital appointment goes and scan results.

Saturday 9 November 2013

Low Iodine diet, Pains and A & E

First week of Low iodine diet

Through out my first week of this very boring diet all I did was crave all of the food that I could not eat. I had palpitations every so often and felt too tired to do anything useful. I did start getting a few pains in my chest that were a bit odd as I have not experienced that yet.
My meals during my first week consisted of:
  • Chicken with sweet jacket potato 
  • Chicken with pasta and tomatoes 
  • Chicken with parsnips and sweet potato
  • Fruit smoothies with nut milk
  • Peppers stuffed with rice and other veg
  • Beef with parsnips, carrot, sweet potato
  • Home made burger with sweet potato chips.
I know what you are thinking, that is a lot of sweet potato and chicken, I agree. 

 With being so tired all the time and feeling restless I did not get out much. However I did attempt to keep myself entertained with a little help from my boyfriends Nephew, Charlie. We did face paints and I must say we looked gorgeous. Charlie painted my face so I would be a tiger so I repaid the favour. 

Scary tiger

RAWR. Don't we look beautiful.

Soon enough it was Halloween so I decided to do a little Halloween animation as well. This is now up on my youtube channel along with my other animation stuff but I have included the video here. 

Pains and A&E

During my second week I received a phone call from my advisor telling me to go to the hospital as soon as possible as the day before she rang me I text her saying my chest pains were so bad that my breath was knocked out of me and I almost fell down because of it. I was not happy with this news as she rang me at 7:30am, all I wanted to do was sleep but hey ho hey ho it was off to hospital I had to go. Me and my boyfriend got to Southport hospital at 8am and did not leave until 3pm after blood tests, checks and waiting a hell of a lot of hours to be told just to go home. They gave us no information about what was happening at all, just plonked us in one place then moved us to another. All I was told is that I did not have a blood clot. One good thing that came out of staying at the hospital for so long was helping a woman feel better. She had recently found out she had lung cancer and was in floods of tears, not eating. My boyfriend gave her hope with the story of his father surviving a non operable cancer and I was able to help by answering any questions she had and putting a smile back on her face making her eat a little bit of her sandwich as she lost her appetite  even if it was only temporary. As me and my boyfriend walked away my boyfriend heard the woman's sister say " I think you was supposed to meet that young lady today". Well being told that ended up making my day. 

When a nurse took my Christmas lights out she was making a right mess of it, everyone's faces were in shock. She looked up at me and said isn't this therapeutic? I looked back at her and with a raised voiced and replied, for who? You or me because its definitely not therapeutic for me!

Back to Preston for some real answers

The next day I had arranged to see Andrew my Cancer nurse. Luckily for me he is great at his job and had the answers I was looking for. He explained that all of my pains and tightness in my chest, electric shock type pains in my ribs, stomach and jaw, deep aches throughout my body, restlessness and lack of sleep was due to me no longer taking my Liothyronine in preparation for the radio-iodine treatment. They were all caused by no longer having the hormones I needed. I was told that these pains were only going to get worse so was prescribed pain killers. The pains have become more frequent but they are not so bad, only my chest puts me in a bit of pain. 

Second weeks list of meals

  • Pork chops with butter-nut squash, courgette, parsnip
  • Chicken, sweet potato, swede and carrot 
  • Chicken, parsnip, baby sweet corns
  • Steak, asparagus, sweet potato
  • Pancakes with raspberries
  • strawberries, pineapple, banana
  •  Jacket potato with chicken, home made chips
This week there has been a bit of a better option of food as my mum has been looking after me. Mums always look after you the best. 

Tomorrow I will be going down to see my dad as it is his birthday. I made him a home made card which I am hoping he will like it. Then on Monday I start my treatment.

Little love heart balloons

My next blog post will include my radio iodine treatment, how it feels to feel like a prisoner locked in a small room for a week and if I manage to turn into the shehulk....