
Sunday 1 June 2014

Life goes on....

A few new changes

Hi all, thought I would provide a little update to the people who read my blog and have been emailing me and asking me questions about the whole Cancer ordeal.
A few things have changed since I last updated my blog. I have had some repercussions due to previously having Cancer that have kind of made my life a bit more stressful. The kind of stress that no one really needs or wants.
I had to leave my university house as I had to intercalate from Uni for a year as I could not afford to pay the rent as I was no longer a student and did not get student loans as well as not having a job at the time. Despite me looking for numerous people for the house that were declined when they were acceptable, I am now being taken to court because of it where as If I did not get ill I probably would have still been in that house now.
I have also lost a handful of friends since but it has made me realise how good some other friends and other people are whether they are old friends, new, tutors or colleagues.
I have started a new job working as a customer service assistant at Sainsburys and I am hoping to keep it but get transferred to Preston in September so I can work when I go back to University. There is one person that I am greatful for meeting who used to work at Sainsburys with me but she has left to start a career in her preferred line of work I am hoping we stay in touch and carry on wine nights every now and again.
I have decided to try and be healthier too by working out twice a day, once in the morning then doing weights in the evening. I have only been doing this over the past month or so but I already feel a bit better, not as tired as I used to be.
I have also had my hair cut quite short as I fancied a bit of a change for my fresh start in September. My scar has cleared up so well that you can hardly see it, it's faded to suit my normal skin colour rather well.

So there have been quite a few big changed this year and I can only predict that the changes will keep on coming.

February Christie appointment

In February I had an appointment at The Christies to check my levels for my levothyroxine. They took some blood for tests and then I talked to one of the doctors who gave me the dates to start my iodine diet and stop taking my tablets, to have my thyrogen injections, my nuclear drink and my Scan. They will all take place in August in the space of three weeks.  I told them how tired I felt constantly having no energy, not being able to sleep and getting headaches. They said they would put my tablet dosage up.
After the appointment it took the Christie a month to get back to me about my blood test results. In the letter it said that I had to put my tablet dosage down because something in my blood showed that something was three times too high which could mean the cancer cells could start growing back again and it had to be suppressed. My tablets alternate between 100-125mg for now until I have my scan in August. 

For now that is all the news I have to relate to this blog. Now I am going to carry on with my summer project for Animation.
If you have any more questions just comment or email me.

Also in case you wanted a bit more info here are a few links for you:

Here is a link to side effects of thyrogen for if anyone is going for the injections- Thyrogen side effects.

Here is some info on Thyrogen injections.

Chow for now my lovely readers.

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